
How to Start a Blog with 7 Easy Steps – For Beginners (2021)

How to Start A Blog in 2020 and Make money -For Beginners.

An Easy 7 Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Create a Blog in (2020)
This blogging quick-start guide will provide you with an easy steps and guide to launch a profitable WordPress blog.

*Note: may contain affiliate links to my recommended products.

Know Your Why and Write Down Your Goals:

Before you start your blog, you have to deeply understand why you’re getting started and what you want to achieve. Write down your 1, 3, and 6 month goals. These may include: launch my blog, write five 2,500+ blog posts, get 50 backlinks, generate $1,000/month, etc. Your short term goals turn into long term success, so start with the end in mind.
Use this document to outline your goals and strategy.

Choose Your Niche:

Your blog’s niche should be in an area that matches both your expertise and interests. It should also have good search volume and monetization opportunities. Most importantly, your niche needs market demand and a high-paying audience. Read tips from email #2 and use a tool like Ahrefs of SEMRush to do keyword research.
Get started with a free 7-day trial with SEMRush today.

Research Other Blogs:

Once you’ve picked your niche, perform keyword research and look into your competition. Make a list of the top 20 keywords you want to rank for and see who’s already ranking for them, then check these sites’ Domain Authority. Your niche should have keywords with high search volume and competition levels under 0.3.

Pick Your Domain Name:

Your blog’s domain name is very important for your personal brand. Make sure your domain name is catchy, short, matches your niche, and can be used for a long time. For example, if you’re not 100% sure of the exact direction your blog will take, a broader domain name ensures you’re not pigeonholing your options.

Get Your Domain and Hosting for WordPress with Bluehost:

Your web hosting plan is one of the most important choices when starting your blog. When you sign up, you get a free domain, free SSL, easy 1-click WordPress install, and a great 24/7 support team. Their plans start at $3.95/month and they have a 30-day money back guarantee.
You can get started at 50% off with my Bluehost link here.

Install Your WordPress Theme:

Design is crucial to your blog’s user experience, site speed, average time on page, and lead generation efforts. Luckily, there are a ton of great WordPress blog themes that you can choose from. You can either pick a free or paid theme. I recommend a paid theme as they look nicer and typically offer 1 year of support.
Check out ThemeIsle for some excellent and easy-to-use WordPress themes.

Plan Your Sitemap:

In addition to your blog posts, your site needs a few key pages that should be included in your top level navigation. These pages may include: Home, Start Here, About, Services, and Contact. Write out your full sitemap in a document.

Perform Keyword Research and Plan Your Blog Posts:

Create a list of 10 potential blog topics that you’d like to write about. First, perform keyword research with a tool like SEMRush to view your target keyword’s search volume, competition, and current top 10 results. If your target keywords have high competition, it will be difficult to rank for them. If they have less competition (under 0.3), your new blog has a chance of hitting page one faster. Remember, your target keywords will be included in your blog post title, URL, and throughout the body of your post. Secondary and semantic keywords should be added too.
Get started with SEMRush free for 7 days.

Install Your WordPress Plugins
Properly choosing your WordPress plugins has a huge impact on your site speed, SEO, design, and lead generation efforts. Here are the top plugins I recommend you install on your WordPress blog right from the start.

  1. MonsterInsights – Easiest way to install Google Analytics
  2. OptinMonster – Best pop up and email opt-in tool
  3. Autoptimize – Best to minify your code
  4. Easy Table of Contents
  5. Elementor – Best WordPress landing page builder
  6. Mashshare Share Buttons
  7. ShortPixel – Great for image optimization
  8. Quick Page/Post Redirect – Great for 301 Redirects
  9. Yoast SEO – Best SEO plugi

Install Google Analytics:

To track your blog traffic and visitor behavior, you need to install Google Analytics. It’s super easy with the free MonsterInsights plugin.
First, go to Google Analytics and create a new Google Analytics property with your blog’s URL – make sure to use the https version. Next, go to the Google Analytics settings in your MonsterInsights plugin and authenticate your Google account.

Set Up Google Search Console:

Google Search Console is a free service that allows you to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your appearance in Google search results. When setting it up, create four versions of your blog (www/non-www and http/https), and make sure your primary account is your https version. Other items to optimize include international targeting, preferred domain, and submitting your sitemap.

Optimize Your WordPress Settings:

In your WordPress dashboard, there are a lot of different items to tweak in your settings tab. Here are a few to optimize:
• Settings/General: Add your site title, tagline and URL.
• Settings/Reading: Home page display, search engine visibility.
• Settings/Permalinks: Make sure your blog’s URL structure is optimized for SEO and uses this Custom Structure:

Design Your Blog:

Now that your WordPress theme is installed from Themeisle and plugins are installed, it’s time to start updating your blog’s design. To edit the look of your theme, go to Appearance/Customize and use the WYSIWYG editor to update your site information, logo, colors, menus, and widgets. If you have coding knowledge, you can go to Appearance/Editor to adjust your blog’s CSS files.

Build Out Your Blog’s Pages
Once you’re happy with your blog’s design settings, you can start adding your pages. Go to Pages/Add New to create a new page. You first want to design your homepage, as well as the main pages that will live in your menu navigation. Use the Elementor drag and drop editor to give your homepage a custom look. Also, make sure to check your tablet and mobile settings within Elementor to make sure your pages look great on all devices.
Using either Gutenberg or the Classic Editor, it’s easy to add text, images, and links to your pages. Ensure your pages’ titles and URL structures include target keywords. Save your pages as drafts and hit publish when they’re ready.


Write Your First Blog Post:

While it’s easy to assume that you need 10-20 blog posts ready before you launch, this isn’t the case. Remember, it’s quality over quantity. One 3,000+ word blog post can be more valuable than five 500 word blog posts. When writing your post, start with keyword research to choose your blog post’s title.

Here are some tips to optimize your blog post titles:

  1. Use numbered lists: Numbered lists have very high blog title click through rates. Additionally, odd numbers at the beginning of your post perform better than even numbers. For example: 87+ High Paying Affiliate Programs (2019).
  2. Title length: Keep your title under 60 characters so that it doesn’t get cut off on search engine results pages (SERPS).
  3. Place your target keyword at or near the beginning of the title (and URL).
  4. Add the year at the end of your title if your topic is timely.

After your pick a title, here are some blog writing tips with SEO in mind:

  1. Structure your headers correctly: Your main post headers should be H2s and include your target keyword or variations of your target keyword. For subsections, make those H3s and number them.
  2. Strategically place internal links: Time on page and bounce rate are important metrics to Google. One way to improve these numbers is with strategic internal links. Add links to related blog articles near the beginning and end of your post to improve the chances readers will interactive with more of your content.
  3. Add secondary and semantic keywords: Use SEMRush to find keywords related to your target keyword and leverage a tool like LSIGraph to find semantic keywords to add into your post.
  4. Write long-form, compelling content: Longer, more useful posts will outrank your competition. Add infographics and images to keep your readers engaged.

Optimize Your Blog With Yoast SEO:

The Yoast SEO plugin is the best tool to ensure your blog is 100% search engine optimized. Once installed, this plugin appears at the bottom of every post and page. On every post and page, plug your target keyword into Yoast, add in your page title and meta description, and follow their tips to improve on-page SEO. Next, make sure your Yoast settings are all set up correctly. Here are some of the top settings to update when you first install Yoast.
Connect Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
Edit your taxonomies: These settings will change how your sitemap indexes your content. If you are just starting out, you can turn off Tags in search results as well as date archives.
Add your social accounts and turn on Twitter cards.
Enable your robots.txt file
YOAST SEO 2.3- Making you site even better

Set Up a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers providing faster delivery of Internet content. If you’re using Bluehost, you can easily connect to a CDN like Cloudflare to greatly increase your site speed.

Optimize Your Plugins For Site Speed
Strategically choosing site speed plugins can improve your page load time – now a major ranking factor on Google. Here are some of the best tips to optimize your plugins for site speed:
Autoptimize: Make sure the following boxes are checked – Optimize HTML Code, Optimize JavaScript Code, Aggregate JS files, Optimize CSS Code, Aggregate CSS Files, Also Aggregate Inline CSS.
Leverage aggressive caching.
Use a3 Lazy Load to load images after your initial page load.
Use ShortPixel to compress your images. Make sure your PNGs are converted to JPEGs.
Use a fast social sharing plugin like MashShare to reduce external requests.
Remove any plugins you aren’t using.
Use a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights to keep track of your site speed.

Get Ready to Launch Your Blog

Congrats on making it to the 7th STEPS. It’s officially launch day! Here are some final tweaks and settings to check before going live with your blog.
Ensure your blog’s URL is properly placed in your General Settings.
Uncheck the box “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” in Settings/Reading.
Make sure your primary sitemap is in Yoast and there aren’t other plugins like JetPack submitting a separate sitemap.
If migrating from another website, double check your 301 redirects.
Quality check your blog on multiple browsers and devices.
Input your blog’s domain in Bluehost and turn off the Coming Soon Page.
Set your posts and pages to published.

Launch Your Blog
With this blog launch quickstart guide, you planned your content and niche, got started with WordPress, picked your theme and plugins, built your site, optimized your settings, and launched your new blog.

Once you have put in the effort of creating great blog content and promoting your blog, making money from your blog is actually the easy part.
Blogs have the potential to be extremely lucrative, but don’t assume that you’re going to start making money in the first week, or even in the first month. Blogging takes work and dedication, but once you develop a large enough audience, there are several methods you can employ to monetize your blog.

Start Making Money with Your Blog
Different people have different purpose of starting a blog. Someone may use this as a hobby or personal blog. Someone may use this as a business blog. Alternatively, someone wants to become a professional blogger like me.
However, making money with a blog is one of the most common goals to start a blog.

NOTE: Here are the steps if you want to make money after creating your blog. Add some Affiliate income site by visiting on ads.

Write on Regular Basis
You must write on a regular basis after starting your blog. Your posts should have excellent research and original ideas where people can get something new. People like and share such content.
More quality content you like, more the traffic you can get.

Promote your blog
This is the most important step to get the traffic on your blog. Making money without traffic is difficult. It takes time to get traffic on your blog.
There are many things you can do to get traffic on your blog.
Learn SEO and implement on-page & off-page SEO techniques on your blog. This way you can get good traffic from Google.
Share your content on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc.
Write comments and guest posts on other blogs.
Create videos and upload on YouTube and other video sharing sites.

How to Monetize your Blog with Affiliate Fast and Easy.
This is the ultimate aim of every blogger after starting a blog. There are number of ways to make money from a blog but I won’t recommend many.
I will keep it simple and suggest you just 2 ways as a beginner.
You can make money with Google AdSense and Amazon.
Sign up with AdSense here (try only after you receive some traffic on your blog). Google displays ads on your blog similar to you see on this blog. When a visitor clicks on any ads, Google pays you.
Another excellent way is making money as Amazon associate.
Just signup with Amazon Associate USA or your country (available in all major countries). Login to your associate account and get an affiliate link for any product you want to promote through your blog.
Whenever someone goes to Amazon by clicking on the affiliate link on your blog and buy something, you get 4% to 12% of the ordered amount from Amazon.
Don’t look for any other ways right now as you will get confused and focus more on making money rather than making your blog successful. Even after 5 years of blogging, I prefer AdSense and affiliate marketing to earn from my blogs.
If you made it this far, I appreciate the time you took to read this and deeply value every relationship I make from this blog.
I’m here for you as both a blogging guide and a friend. I respond to every email and want to learn how I can best help you on your journey.
I want to hear your stories – both the good and the bad. I want my blog to provide a safe place where new bloggers can collaborate and help each other out. Since we’re all new bloggers, we need to band together, pick each other up, work smarter, and rally together to win.
If you’re looking to finally take the leap to launch, grow, and monetize your blog, ……you can start here or enter your information below.
I hope that the story of your life is filled with peace, freedom, happiness and Love.

Need more help?

I hope this guide has answered any questions you had on how to start a blog.

If you enjoyed this guide and would like to work with me further, please visit or for 1:1 coaching, Email:

Make Money Online Resources

How to Start a Blog

The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Successful Blog (in 2021)

It will be one of the best decision of your life that you want to start a blog. Blog have the potential to be extremely lucrative, It takes work and dedication. It could take some few days or weeks to start seeing a steady stream of income. but once you develop a large enough audience, there are several methods you can employ to monetize your blog fast and easy.
Although, different people have different purpose of starting a blog. Someone may use this as a hobby or personal blog. Someone may use this as a business blog. Alternatively, someone wants to become a professional blogger like me. However, making money with a blog is one of the most common goals to start a blog.
This is an article from the final section of our How to Create a Website guide, on making money with your website. If you don’t already have a WordPress website created, you’ll need to start at the beginning before this will work for you. There is no other way to make money with Affiliate, AdSense/Pay Per Click(ppc) etc, You must have a Website or Blog…! You can get started with Bluehost.

BlueHost The Best Hosting

Once you have put in the effort of creating great blog content and promoting your blog, making money from your blog is actually the easy part. For my full Guide on How to Start your First Blog in 7 Easy Steps. – For Beginners

Although, different people have different purpose of starting a blog. Someone may use this as a hobby or personal blog. Someone may use this as a business blog. Alternatively, someone wants to become a professional blogger like me. However, making money with a blog is one of the most common goals to start a blog.

Here are the STEPS if you want to make Money FAST and EASY after creating your website or Blog :

Monetizing Your Blog .
Monetize refers to the process of turning a non-revenue-generating item into cash, essentially liquidating an asset or object into legal tender. … Website owners monetize their websites by making spaces available to advertisers, thereby earning income from various types of content published on their sites. This is the ultimate aim of every blogger after starting a blog. There are number of ways to make money from a blog.
The easiest way to make money with a website is through advertising called affiliate marketing and Ad networks .
There are many advertisement networks you can use. The popular ones, such as Google Adsense, pay per click are very easy to set up.
A lot of these ppc firms pay you a little money for each visitor who clicks through to the sponsor’s website. If you have a sizable following, this can give you a steady flow of ad money.

Sign up with AdSense/pay per click(ppc) try only after you receive some traffic on your blog). Google displays ads on your blog similar to you see on this blog. When a visitor clicks on any ads, Google pays you…

With Adsterra network you will get the industry highest CPM rates (ppc)

Affiliate marketing is a bit different. When you use an affiliate program, you get paid for each purchase. If a visitor to your blog clicks through and leaves, you don’t get paid. However, if they buy something, you get a chunk of the profit.
Add some Affiliate income site by visiting on ads. You can make money with Google AdSense and Another excellent way is making money as Amazon associate.

Just signup with Amazon, ebay , etc Affiliates here, or your country (available in all major countries). Login to your associate account and get an affiliate link for any product you want to promote through your blog.

VigLink Direct Advertising Network

When ever someone goes to Affiliate products by clicking on the affiliate link on your blog and buy something, you get 4% to 12% of the ordered amount from ebay or Amazon.
Don’t look for any other ways right now as you will get confused and focus more on making money rather than making your blog successful. Even after 5 years of blogging, I prefer AdSense and affiliate marketing to earn from my blogs.

Write On Regular Basis
You must write on a regular basis after starting your blog. Your posts should have excellent research and original ideas where people can get something new. People like and share such content.
The more quality content you write, more the traffic you can get.

Babylon SEO Traffic

Promote Your Blog
This is the most IMPORTANT step to get the traffic on your blog. Making money without traffic is difficult. It takes time to get traffic on your blog.
There are many things you can do to get traffic on your blog.

  • Try to allocate a budget for paid ads.xxxx(guru advice here wit a link)
  • Learn SEO and implement on-page & off-page SEO techniques on your blog. This way you can get good traffic from Google.
  • Share your content on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc.Write comments and guest posts on other blogs with backlinks.
  • Create videos and upload on YouTube and other video sharing sites.

But the down and dirty truth behind why affiliate marketing as you know it no longer works as it was in the early 20s, and the only way left for you to make it work, now that the high competitive level in Affiliate Marketing is on the increase.
And those who aligned their capabilities to shine collective with the best Affiliate Marketing Tools like SEO links builder and links spreader software, are the ones making more sales online, with satistics proof and testimonies from various users around the globe.

STEP…(4 )
SEO Optimization
Aligning your Affiliate Blogging Business with a good SEO links Builder software is the Next step.
You can earn more with the Best SEO Sales Increaser like Money Robot Software.
Why I personally recommend Money Robot SEO Software to my Students, other Affiliate marketers, Beginners, or anyone who want to make more Sales and Earn more money with their Affiliate Blogging Business Fast and Easy.
I have tried all SEO tools available on market and I can say that all those tools combined together can’t be compared with this tool, very good tool, I’m using it for 4 weeks and my keywords are now ranking on page 1 2 and 3, making me $50-$70 per day, like I said I test all tools spending a lot of time and money until I get the MoneyRobert tool, I’m very pleased with the ranking results, hope they will continue to increase. it is also fast, it take 10-20 sec to create a super high spun article fully related with my keywords, I don’t need more then that ! good tool.

Money Robot – Best SEO Link Building Software For High Quality Backlinks

Gets more traffic of DREAM CUSTOMERS to your website or Blog with these Unique/ amazing virtually unknown traffic increase secrets with Money Robot Seo Traffic software.

SEO Link building is a process that requires a lot of time. If you don’t have a perfect SEO software you will hardly succeed in creating accounts, confirming emails and submitting your contents to thousands of websites in proper time and completely automated.

With Money Robot Submitter the link submission process will be the easiest task and completely automated, you will be able to build unlimited number of links and increase traffic to your websites which will lead to a high number of customers and much more sales for you. With the best user interface ever, you just need to have simple software knowledge and you will easily be able to make your own SEO campaigns.

Money Robot Submitter is the best SEO software you will ever own, we can say that it does not have any competition on the market with such intelligent and fully automatic features. The friendly user interface, smart tools and the simplicity of the tasks are making Money Robot Submitter the best tool on the market.

Why MONEYROBOT software is the World’s most powerful link building software ?
MONEYROBOT Software support UNLIMITED website platforms for example here are main supported platforms:
You can submit your backlinks/content to fallowing main platforms.

• Web 2.0 Blogs
• Social Network Posts
• Social Bookmarking
• Web Directories
• Wiki Articles
• Press Release
• Article Directories
• Web 2.0 Profiles
• Forum Profiles

It gives you more insight and Understanding exactly who your dream Customer is,It allows you discover where they are congregating; andThrowing out the hooks(backlinks) that will grab their attention and pull them into your website or Blog so you can tell them a story and make them an offer.It allow you to Position yourself as THE EXPERT/TOP RANK in your field to become the ‘go-to’ authority and the ONLY choice for your prospects and customers to buy from you.

Millions of people from around the world are earning thousands of dollars through affiliate marketing and Traffic is the lifeblood of your online Affiliate business. To succeed, you need all of the traffic ammo like MR you can get. Not just any traffic, but targeted traffic that is interested in your content and your advice.

Affiliate marketing is a numbers game and the more high-quality traffic you send to your offers, the more income you’ll earn.

The unique new way to build a hyper profitable online business WITHOUT doing any personal selling (Perfect for those that suck at sales)

Why it’s finally OK to be a complete tech dummy and still get results using this ONE THING called MoneyRobot SEO Software, which I personally call ”SALES-INCREASER”.

I was so amazed by the power of this tool. The most beautiful wonderful thing about this software, it is 100% human traffic simulated (very high-quality traffic for website) which is a ranking factor and provides extra boosting in rankings.

The software is the best link building software that builds automated high quality links for your site from high page rank domains.
Amazing TOOL, save you a lot of time, is there a limitation of articles that you can create per day?… It creates very good articles, I check them with copy scape and they are 100% unique, amazing article builder tool that is all I can say.

If you made it this far, I appreciate the time you took to read this and deeply value every relationship I make from this blog.
I’m here for you as both a blogging guide and a friend. I respond to every email and want to learn how I can best help you on your journey.
I want to hear your stories – both the good and the bad. I want my blog to provide a safe place where new bloggers can collaborate and help each other out. Since we’re all new bloggers, we need to band together, pick each other up, work smarter, and rally together to win.
I hope that the story of your life is filled with peace, freedom, happiness and Love.
If you’re looking to finally take the leap to launch, grow, and monetize your blog, you can start here below for details on a few methods you can use:-

The Definitive “7 Easy Steps WordPress Blog Quickstart” Guide for Starting, Growing, and Scaling your online Business

How to Monetize your Blog FAST and EASY with these Best Affiliate Marketing Weapon.

This is an article from the section of “How to Create a Website/Blog guide” on “making money with your website”.

How to generate web “Traffic” with a very limited marketing Budget.

Don’t look for any other ways right now as you will get confused and focus more on making money rather than making your blog successful. Even after 5 years of blogging, I prefer AdSense and affiliate marketing to earn from my blogs.
If you made it this far, I appreciate the time you took to read this and deeply value every relationship I make from this blog.
I’m here for you as both a blogging guide and a friend. I respond to every email and want to learn how I can best help you on your journey.
I want to hear your stories – both the good and the bad. I want my blog to provide a safe place where new bloggers can collaborate and help each other out. Since we’re all new bloggers, we need to band together, pick each other up, work smarter, and rally together to win.
If you’re looking to finally take the leap to launch, grow, and monetize your blog, ……you can start here or enter your information below.
I hope that the story of your life is filled with peace, freedom, happiness and Love.

(C) Copyright 2019/2020 – Online Solutions. All right reserved. Over 18’s only. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. All quoted earnings figures are anecdotal. We do NOT offer financial advice. This site uses affiliate links. We do NOT publish fake reviews. Payments and Ownership: We DON’T own the products mentioned on this site. If you have payment issues or need to get a refund – you’ll need to contact the vendor or payment processor directly. ALWAYS make sure that you understand the payment and billing arrangements BEFORE subscribing or buying anything. Opinions: the content on this site is ultimately the reflection of personal opinion and is not intended to defame or malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Matched betting is not gambling. Be Gamble Aware. We are IOC/ISO registered – number ZA393738k. 13 Folorunsho Ibikunle, Heritage Estate, Akute,Ogun state. Nigeria, west Africa.